How to Expand to Multiple Locations Successfully – Replicating with Systems Thinking
- Want to grow your business in another location?
- Want to expand your operations from one site to multiple sites?
- Struggling running a second or third location business?
If you want to build a large sustainable multi-location business, then you need SOLID foundations and key building blocks for replicating your success in the first location.
Many business owners running a successful operation in a single location dream of opening more locations.
Many times owners will open a second or third location nearby and then struggle and close them because the operation is so reliant on the owner being there.
At this point of financial crisis they suddenly try to develop solid management teams and business systems. It would have been better to develop these systems and teams before expanding. A great test is that your people and systems are so good that you can go away for a month and the business performs better than when you are there.
I always recommend that the business owner takes the lead in the new location, and expands to a bigger site not a smaller one.
You’ll need to build a great leadership “A team”and develop good Systems & Processes. You’ll also need to learn more about Finances.
Building Your Business Group and Expanding to Multiple Locations
These BOOKS are strongly recommend as essential reading for anyone wanting to grow their business or improve their group of similar businesses. They are ideal for anyone beginning to expand and replicate their business group.
Whether you have a franchise model, licensed business model or a co-operative, these books will really help.
Multi-Location Operation Books for Business Replicating
Systemising Your Business
Business Group Operations Management
The story and gameplan of the Brumby’s Bakery Business Model in Australia. An amazing step-by-step manual for expansion of a multi-location group by Founder Michael Sherlock
Franchising Books by Greg Nathan are great for multi-store operations
Greg Nathan is the Guru when it comes to successful franchising. I recommend ALL of his books for anyone planning to expand or managing multi-site locations. They are AWESOME books.
Customer Loyalty & Delivering an Amazing Customer Experience
You’ll need to deliver an amazing customer experience to build your brand and grow customer repeats and referrals. Keith’s book is great and here are some more customer service resources
Developing Financial Literacy and a Money Mindset
Everyone – including All your team should read Scott Pape’s book – The Barefoot Investor – which helps ANYBODY sort out their personal finances with simple basic advice and tips.
Here are some great books to develop your Business Financial Literacy and Money mindset as well
Financial Control is Critical
Keep you finances under control with these great books
Remember that “Leaders are Readers”. As a result, by learning more you will be putting more value into your business. The books above have been carefully curated to help you improve your business as well as complement what you have learned from Dave.
Best Personal Development Games to Play to learn skills to help when replicating your Business
Learn how to manage a business better with these two board games – teach your managers and kids!